Component 1: Establishing National Policy and Institutional Frameworks
1.1 National multi-stakeholder coordination mechanisms for cross-sectoral invasive species management
- Agency: NEA
- Deliverables: National IAS Coordination Mechanism established
- Benchmark: TOR and hosting institution endorsed by all stakeholders (PY4;Q1)
- 1.1.1 Establish national IAS coordination mechanisms
- 1.2 National Invasive Species Strategies and Action Plans agreed
- Agency: NEA
- Deliverables: National Invasive Species Strategy and Action Plan (NISSAP) document produced
- Benchmark: NISSAP document disseminated to stakeholders (PY4; Q4)
- 1.2.1 Develop content of NISSAP
- 1.2.2 Prepare and disseminate NISSAP
- 1.2.3 Prepare non-technical version of NISSAP for wider dissemination
- 1.3 IAS Risk Analysis procedures for quarantine authorities
- Agency: NEA
- Deliverables: Report on risk analysis procedures produced
- Benchmark: Risk analysis procedures which incorporates forest IAS endorsed and implemented (PY4; Q4)
- 1.4.1 Review current risk analysis procedures as they apply to IAS
- 1.4.2 Establish or strengthen appropriate risk analysis procedures and guidelines for IAS
- Component 2: Regional cooperation in Southeast Asia
- 2.1 Regional IAS Biocontrol Working Group established including development of Action Plan for biocontrol of shared IAS
- Agency: PMU/NEA
- Deliverables: Cooperation framework defined and regional working group set up
- Benchmark: Regional plan for biocontrol endorsed (PY3: Q2);IAS biocontrol Working Group established (PY2; Q3)
- 2.1.1 Establish a regional IAS biocontrol working group - linked to APFISN and IOBC-APRS
- 2.1.2 Develop a regional Action Plan for biological control of IAS
- 2.2 Strengthen/develop Regional IAS tools for improved management of IAS including databases/website (APFISN) and Regional IAS Identification Guide
- Agency: PMU/NEA
- Deliverables: APFISN website strengthened and IAS Identification Guide produced
- Benchmark: APFISN website has information on all priority forest invasion plants of the region (PY3; Q4);IAS Identification Guide disseminated and in use (PY4; Q3)
- 2.2.1 Develop and strengthen the Asia Pacific Forest Invasive Species Network (APFISN) web-based information system including IAS database
- 2.2.2 Design and produce a Regional IAS Identification Guide
- 2.3 Strengthened Regional IAS Learning Network and information exchange mechanisms, including project staff exchange, to enhance regional IAS management
- Agency: PMU/NEA
- Deliverables: IAS learning modules/courses on APFISN website and staff exchange between countries
- Benchmark: IAS learning modules on APFISN website being used (PY4; Q3);All countries in exchange visits in region (PY4; Q3)
- 2.3.1 Develop online training courses on IAS identification, impact, and management; risk analysis; early detection and rapid response; etc.etc. for upload on APFISN website in relevant languages
- 2.3.2 Regional training workshops on issues of mutual benefit
- 2.3.3 Facilitate exchange of project staff between countries, on a short term basis, to share information and gain insights into IAS management elsewhere in region
- 3.1 Develop and conduct training programs for different stakeholders (e.g. policy-makers, scientists, quarantine officers, extensionists)
- Agency: NEA
- Deliverables: Training programs produced
- Benchmark: Increased knowledge of stakeholders on IAS risks, impacts, prevention, and management (PY4; Q2)
- 3.1.1 Review of training needs assessment and agreement on training strategy
- 3.1.2 Develop and implement customized training methods (stand alone short courses, seminars, modules, and elements in existing courses, etc.) to build capacity in topics such as IAS awareness, risk analysis, early detection and rapid response
- 3.1.3 Pre- and post implementation knowledge surveys
- 3.2 Support to expanding national IAS capacity in research and related fields
- Agency: NEA
- Deliverables: Increased number of IAS courses at tertiary institutions
- Benchmark: Number of students undertaking studies on IAS (PY4; Q2)
- 3.3.1 Integrate IAS training/research programmes/modules into curricula of 1-2 national universities in each country
- 3.3.2 Undertake post-graduate studies and research on IAS issues
- 3.3.3 Identify national and regional delegates to attend relevant international conferences, workshops and meetings
- 4.1 Pilot sites established through effective local partnerships
- Agency: NEA
- Deliverables: Pilot Site Management Plan
- Benchmark: Pilot sites established in each of 4 countries (PY1; Q2);Ecosystem management plans available (PY1; Q3)
- 4.1.1 Consult with identified stakeholders
- 4.1.2 Produce detailed ecosystem management plans (EMP's) to take account of the following: ecosystem and socio-economic goals, options for habitat restoration, mechanisms for stakeholder involvement, and resolution of conflicts of interest, available
- 4.1.3 Mainstream EMP's, especially those aspects relating directly to the management of IAS, into wider Protected Area management plans, institutional structures & budgeting (linked to cost-recovery under Component 1)
- 4.1.4 Undertake an environmental impact assessment on proposed interventions, specifically with regard to biocontrol, if required, as early in project as possible
- 4.2 Pilot IAS management implementation including mapping of the priority species in and in the area immediately around the pilot sites, testing various combination of integrated management including biological control, weed management and habitat restore
- Agency: NEA
- Deliverables: National technical reports on pilot projects
- Benchmark: Dissemination of best practice booklets or brochure/pamphlets to stakeholders (PY4: Q2)
- 4.2.1 Determine baselines and implement control activities
- 4.2.2 Disseminate results and lessons learned
- 4.3 Allah Valley Watershed Forest Reserve (current priority IAS - Piper aduncum)
- Subactivities and Tasks as detailed for Activities 4.1 and 4.2
- 5.1 Development of national IAS database based on surveys at national level to document presence and impacts of selected IAS
- Agency: NEA
- Deliverables: IAS database including distribution maps and impacts of all forest IAS in selected areas/regions of the Philippines; CABI Invasive Species Compendium includes project data
- Benchmark: Information included in database and included on APFISN website and made available to global databases – reports submitted (PY3; Q2)
- 5.1.1 Undertake surveys to document presence of IAS
- 5.1.2 Determine impact of selected forest IAS
- 5.2 Develop regional standardized awareness/communication strategy with national activities and regional targets for ensuring effective transfer of information on IAS between stakeholders
- Agency: NEA
- Deliverables: Regional communication plan produced
- Benchmark: Communication strategy endorsed and implemented (PY1; Q2)
- 5.2.1 Assess baseline awareness levels and review relevant existing IAS communications strategies, agree on key messages (applicable all countries) identify target groups and review dissemination methods
- 5.3 Undertake comprehensive national and regional public awareness/communication campaigns
- Agency: NEA
- Deliverables: Newsletters, documentaries, fliers, posters, etc. prepared and distributed – limited in Philippines
- Benchmark: Assessments of changes in public attitude due to public awareness campaigns (Continuous)
- 5.3.1 Produce awareness-raising materials including newsletters, TV documentaries, fliers, posters, etc. on the agreed priority/shared IAS, in appropriate languages for the target audiences
- 5.3.2 Contribute IAS information for publication in international journals
- 5.3.3 Produce awareness-raising materials including newsletters, TV documentaries, fliers, posters, etc. on the agreed priority/shared IAS, in appropriate languages for the target audiences
- 6.1 Establish and implement Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
- Agency: PMU
- Deliverables: M&E plan finalized and implemented with monitoring systems for all activities/outputs in place
- Benchmark: M&E plan finalized and evaluation reports circulated to stakeholders (PY1; Q2) – progress against results framework indicators in relation to targets (continuous)
- 6.1.1 Internal project monitoring
- 6.2 Develop and implement pilot site monitoring plans - linked to 4.1
- Agency: NEA
- Deliverables: Baseline levels determined and monitoring system in place
- Benchmark: Biodiversity and socioeconomic indices improved from baseline (PY4; Q3)
- 6.2.1 Indicator development etc
- 6.3 Changes in (national) awareness levels monitored
- Agency: NEA
- Deliverables: Baseline levels determined and monitoring system in place
- Benchmark: Awareness levels improved from baseline (PY4: Q3)
- 6.3.1 Monitor the effects of publicity and awareness campaigns on public awareness and incorporate findings into publicity and awareness campaigns - linked to 5.3
- 6.4 External audits
- Agency: PMU/NEA
- Deliverables: Audit reports produced
- Benchmark: Annual audits
- 6.4.1 Organise annual audit
- 6.4.2 Monitor audit reports
- 6.5 Midterm evaluation (UNEP Independent study)
- Agency: UNEP
- Deliverables: Reports produced
- Benchmark: Improved management of IAS (PY4; Q4)
- 6.5.1 Midterm evaluation (UNEP Independent study)
- 6.6 Terminal evaluation (UNEP independent study)
- Agency: UNEP
- Deliverables: Reports produced
- Benchmark: Improved management of IAS (PY4; Q4)
- 6.6.1 Draft ToR & Identify and contract experts
- 6.6.2 Perform terminal evaluation (3-6 months after project closure)
- 6.6.3 Produce terminal evaluation report & circulate among identified stakeholders
- 7.1 Project administration and implementation infrastructure
- 7.1.1 International project office
- 7.1.2 National project offices in participating countries
- 7.2 Detailed project planning
- 7.2.1 Review project documents
- 7.2.2 Prepare draft project and annual work plans
- 7.2.3 Review and finalise work plans
- 7.3 National and international project coordination
- 7.3.1 National Coordination Units (NCU)
- 7.3.2 International Project Steering Committee Meetings
- 7.4 Financial management
- 7.4.1 Develop an accounting system
- 7.4.2 Implement the accounting system
- 7.5 Reporting
- 7.5.1 Prepare and submit semi-annual progress reports
- 7.5.2 Prepare and submit quarterly financial reports